Food for Thought

Protect Young Minds: The 8 Best Questions to Ask When your Child Has Seen Pornography

It’s one of many parent’s worst fears. Unfortunately, this is the digital challenge that many parents are facing today. Even if your child is not actively looking for pornography, it is possible to be exposed while doing online research for an...
Food for Thought

Teaching Empathy: Evidence-based tips for fostering empathy in children.

There is an increasing dialogue in social organisations – in schools, workplaces, court rooms, governments on the importance of empathy. Empathy is what sets us apart from machines. It’s what enables us to relate to other people and their...
Food for Thought

Handling Boredom: Why it's Good for Your Child

It’s not only okay to let your child be bored, it’s paramount that you do so. Most children given unstructured time rise to the occasion and find something interesting to do with it. Unfortunately, our society is raising a whole generation of...
Food for Thought

Online Pornography

The internet has opened a whole new world of content for youth and a new set of challenges for parents. Parental control on devices can help block access to specific websites and filter sexual content. But it’s also important to talk about which...
Food for Thought


by Michael Herbert “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt,” William Shakespeare. Measure for Measure. Self-doubt has been described as the unhealthy food that feeds the soul. It is one of the...
Food for Thought

Should Parents Worry that their Kids are Playing Fortnite: Battle Royale?

If you have children between eight and 18, the chances are you’ve heard of the multiplayer online shooter Fortnite: Battle Royale. Click on the link below to find out what you need to know –
Food for Thought

5 of the Hardest Things Parents Face: How to Handle the Most Challenging Parenting Issues

Watching my child struggle without stepping in to “fix” things for him was one of the hardest things I’ve personally experienced as a mum, even though I knew it was the best thing for him. And the truth is, from the very beginning, being a mother is...
Food for Thought

Is Your Child Inviting Rejection?

No child deserves to be rejected. We can and should encourage children to be kind and tolerant of others, and cruelty is never acceptable. However, some children regularly act in ways that make it hard for other children to accept them. Helping...
Food for Thought

Fundamentals of a Healthy Childhood

Today’s children are being deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood, such as: Emotionally available parents Clearly defined limits and guidance Balanced nutrition and adequate sleep Movement and outdoors Creative play, social interaction...
Food for Thought

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise provides all kinds of physical benefits for children and helps them to feel happy and positive. There are several explanations for this: Exercise increases endorphins Increases serotonin Increases vitamin D Increases confidence and self-...
Food for Thought