Junior College

Year 2 Marble Run Investigation

This term, Year 2 students have been looking at the history and technology of toys, integrating learning across several key learning areas including Mathematics, English, Science and History. We have discovered that toys are made using technology...
Junior College


During Term 3, Year 2 YACHTS students were challenged to build a self-propelled boat using only the recycled materials provided for their STEM task. After exploring various boat designs, each team selected which boat type they would use. They were...
Junior College

Year 2 Excursion

On Monday 19 th August, Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic excursion to Ewen Maddock Dam, to consolidate our learning in Science about water. On arrival, we met our host for the day, Michael from SEQ Water. He shared the story of Ruby, a little girl whose...
Junior College

Year 3 Excursion - Caboolture Historical Village

Last week, Year 3 students visited the Caboolture Historical Village. Following are some student accounts of the experience. “Last Friday Year 3 went to the Caboolture Historical Village to experience what is was like in the olden days for our HASS...
Junior College

Get Ready Schools Competition

Earlier this year, primary school students were urged to get creative and produce videos to encourage the community to be disaster ready as part of the Sunshine Coast’s Get Ready Schools Competition. As part of the Get Ready Queensland program,...
Junior College

Year 2 Narratives

In class, Year 2 students have been writing stories that integrate their History knowledge of local Sunshine Coast landmarks. To read some of their wonderful stories, click on the links below: The Lazy Captain, by Mar Alfaro The Worst Day Ever, by...
Junior College

Year 5 Market Day

On Friday, our Year 5 classes ran a Market Day to raise funds for the Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) Gifts of Grace program. Prep – Year 4 students visited the market in their class groups and enjoyed a variety of arts and crafts, food and...
Junior College

Under Eights Day

Last Thursday we celebrated Under Eights Day at Pacific. This year’s theme was ‘Celebrating the diversity of languages within the home, culture and community’. Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 took part in our Colour Explosion: School Fun Run...
Junior College

Japanese Food Tasting

Last week, Year 3 students participated in a food tasting event, sampling some delicious and healthy Japanese food. As part of their unit on studying Japanese sports and healthy foods, students ate edamame, miso soup and green tea. The edamame beans...
Junior College

Champions for Change

Kids in Action! This year in Year 5, we have formed a group of 25 Champions for Change, who are passionate about protecting our environment, supporting sustainable practises and are attempting to create change within their own environment. To...
Junior College