SchoolTV - Raising Boys

SchoolTV - Raising Boys

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Many parents will attest to the fact that most boys are active, loud, rambunctious and prone to rough play, but this should not affect how a parent acts towards their son. The male brain is distinctly differently in its development. A boy’s physical maturity is often at odds with his mental and brain development.

Societal beliefs about how to raise boys can sometimes influence parents. Although we are not determined by our biology, it is a factor. It is important to support boys in their natural tendencies and nurture their strengths and abilities. Teach them the skills they need for their future and to develop a healthy identity. One of the most important determinants for a boy’s development is how secure they feel growing up.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will gain a better understanding into some of the more complex issues relating to raising boys. Visit:

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
