From the Principal

Principal's Log

Final offers are soon to be made to the Year 12 cohort of 2017, for the start of 2018. We congratulate and celebrate with each of them on their achievements, including Olivia McCluskey, Alli Whitmore and Paige Layfield who each attained an OP 1. As...
From the Principal

Calm, Positive, Purposefulness

Possessing calm, positive, purposefulness not only enables us to flourish but it also helps others to do the same. Slowing our thinking down and shifting our self-talk to being thoughtful rather than emotionally reactive, can help us to see things...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Welcome to the start of the 2018 school year. It has been a very positive start to the year with staff and students quickly settling into the rhythm of learning. There has been a very good vibe around the College as staff and students have begun the...
From the Principal

Focusing on Hope

Throughout the world this year we have seen considerable change. There can be a sense of perpetual motion in our lives and the world at large. At Christmas time each year we are invited to pause and be still and focus on the hope that comes into our...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

At the end of last week, we enjoyed celebrating as a community with the Year 12 students as they had their graduation, chapel and formal. We enjoyed their fun and joy as they finished in a warm dignified way. Considerable energy goes into the...
From the Principal

Thank You and Farewell 2017 Year 12 Students

This is an exciting and special time of year where we celebrate our graduating Year 12 students. It has been good to see them making the most of their final few days together, enjoying different activities including a thank you breakfast, painting...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

Our Year 7 students enjoyed the opportunity to compete in the First Lego League competition at Grace Lutheran College over the weekend. After weeks of planning, designing and coding they put their robots to the test competing with 38 teams. Our...
From the Principal

One Step At A Time

In a fast paced world, learning to take one step at a time is an important life skill. When faced with a myriad of choices it is important that we learn to calmly prioritise and give our full attention to the task at hand. Part of dealing with busy...
From the Principal

Principal's Log

There was a great deal of energy as new Middle College students were welcomed into this next phase of their learning journey at the orientation day on Monday. The welcoming smiles and guidance of house members and pastoral care groups enabled...
From the Principal

Can Do, Will Do

As we move towards the end of the year, it is important that we continue to give our best and challenge ourselves to grow just that little bit more each day. Every day provides us with the opportunity to take a small step forward that will improve...
From the Principal