Compass No 637 - March 2022

From the Principal

Being Community Together

The power of communities to lift and support each other has been evident as people across South East Queensland have begun the process of cleaning and restoring homes, businesses and community facilities.  We have seen deep appreciation being expressed by people as neighbours and broader community members have provided safety, shelter, food, clothing and supported the clean-up process.  Being in a community together provides and sustains hope.

God calls us to be people who act with love towards one another.  He invites us to come into community together to support and encourage one another.  As we do so, we are invited to trust that God is walking with us. God promises that He will provide for our needs and through us, the needs of others. Through this trust we bring hope into our lives and the lives of many.

Principal's Log

We are thankful that members of our community were able to stay safe through the recent weather events and encourage anyone who needs assistance to make contact with Pastor Tim Jarick. We were also very thankful that the recent flooding and rain events had no ongoing impact on either the internal or external spaces within the College with the exception of some minor dampness into one of our staffrooms.  We are grateful for the expertise of hydrologists and architects who have worked with us over many years to reduce the impact of major events on the campus. The College has also commissioned a very detailed report which provides guidance on how various rain events are expected to affect our broader catchment area, Kawana Forest and the College campus.  While we were hoping that this report would not be tested, the events over the weekend matched the data and predictions within the report. While reports and data are helpful, weather predicting is not an exact science and we always need to be prepared for the unexpected.  Families should monitor travel conditions and areas that they live within and make decisions early for the safety of their families using Council and government advice.  We are thankful to God for keeping our community safe and trust that you and your households remain safe over the coming days.

We congratulate Charles Box and Jasmine Groves on their successful participation in the Lions Youth of the Year competition conducted at the Caloundra Lions Club. We congratulate Charles on his win and wish him all the best for the next level of competition.  We thank Mrs Rae Hall for her support of these students as they prepared to participate in the Lions Youth of the Year competition.

All of us play an important role in keeping children safe within our community.  We have included a copy of the College’s Child Protection Policy in our newsletter. This policy can be found on our website and on NAV in the parent, staff and student portals.  All community members are asked to read the policy and play their part to keep our community safe.  Questions in regard to the policy can be emailed to Mrs Kim Bonello, Director of Staff ( and Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5 (

Next week we will be farewelling Ms Belinda Till our Community Liaison and Communications Officer.  Ms Till has provided strong support to the College in the area of communications over the past twelve months. We thank Ms Till for the professional expertise that she has brought into the role and celebrate with her the progress that has been made in our communications area under her leadership. Part of this process has been to begin the process of expanding the communications team.  We wish Ms Till and her family all the best.

We are all looking forward to the further relaxation of COVID-19 related restrictions from March 4th.  Details of school operations in relation to COVID-19 beyond March 4th are yet to be made available.  It is possible that recent events in Brisbane may slow this process.  Details of school operations will be emailed to families and staff once they are released.  This may be over the weekend.

We pray for all those affected by weather events and conflict and that God would continue to keep us safe. We pray that God would equip us to come together as community to support people in need and give a prayer of thanks for the gift of living on the Sunshine Coast.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

Anxiety and Lent

Worry and anxiety are genuine concerns for many people today. Families and businesses affected by the Qld and NSW floods, images of war in Ukraine and refugees fleeing the country. This last week the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly taken a backseat in our nightly and online news. It’s easy to be saturated in our media and overwhelmed with the images of conflict, natural disasters and pandemics. Taking all this in can be too much at times, and it can take a toll on our wellbeing and the wellbeing of young people. Anxiety levels rise as we worry about what might happen in the future.

It is precisely in this context that Jesus speaks these words of awareness and comfort; So, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34

When we consider what is happening in the world and our worlds, we can fear the future. What if? What if…. happened to me? But Jesus reminds us to be mindful of living fully in the present, to be aware of and thankful for the blessings God has given us today. Strive for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and you will be cared and provided for. This is what Jesus encourages. Be mindful of what God has given you. Don’t lose sight of the gratitude you can have today. Work towards God’s kingdom and way of making things right.

Personally, after the last week, I feel like I need a break from the media images and reporting I’ve seen on my screens. I need to take a break to renew my practice of “practicing the pause” of taking time to be still and in quietness reflecting on God’s word and promises to me. To dwell in God’s word and be mindful of God’s work in the world which is so counter to the chaos and conflict I see around me.

This week marks the beginning of Lent, a time to do exactly this, finding time to be still and know that God is our God. To practice the pause, bring our concerns to Jesus in prayer, and read and hear his word and promises to us. A promise from the Old Testament that I have rediscovered that has given me hope is from Isaiah 30:15; In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.

As you undertake whatever challenges life is placing on you at the moment, may you trust in God’s mercy and strength for you today. To conclude, here’s a prayer for those affected by the floods and for empathy to help those in need.

Merciful God, in the midst of natural disaster

we look to you in hope and trust,

acknowledging that there is much in life

beyond our present understanding.

Accept our compassion for the suffering;

bless those who are working for their relief;

and show us what we can do to share in their task,

as servants of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(From Qld Bishop Mark Vainikka as written in “New Parish Prayers”)

Rev. Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Director of Staff

Child Protection Policy

Pacific recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. The welfare and best interests of the children within our College will always be a primary consideration. 

We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. We expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour and relationships with students reflects proper professional standards of care and are not unlawful. The College will respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student resulting from either within the College or from outside of the College. 

What does the College mean by harm? 

Queensland legislation defines harm as: 

  • Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological, or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by: 
    • Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect; 
    • Sexual abuse or exploitation; or 
    • Domestic or family violence. 

How does the College protect students from harm? 

The College has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, which outlines the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the College becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a student by other staff, people outside the College or by other students. The policy is accessible on the College website and on Nav.  

What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a student of the College by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students? 

You should report your concerns to the Principal or member of the Administration and Learning Executive or to any other member of College staff. 

What will happen next? 

If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will report it to the Principal immediately. If the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the member of staff will report to the Chairperson of the College Council. 

Child Protection Policy and Procedures 

Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at Pacific Lutheran College. We expect students to respect their teachers and other students and we expect that they will receive the same respect in return. Students should never allow themselves to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone they trust. 

Who should a student tell if they do not feel safe at school or at home? 

Any member of staff, including the Pastor. If a student does not feel comfortable talking to a member of staff, they may like to write him or her a letter. If a student would prefer to talk to somebody outside of the College on a confidential basis, they can also call Kids Help Line which is a free call – 1800 551 800. 

What will happen if a student reports what is happening to a member of staff? 

If the concern is worrying the student but not causing them immediate harm, then the member of staff will discuss ways to solve their problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff believes that the student is being harmed or is in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the Principal. 

What if the student does not want the member of staff to tell the Principal? 

The member of staff will aim to keep the student’s concerns confidential as much as possible. However, if the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused to a student of the College, the law states that the matter must be reported to the Principal and it may have to be reported to the Police. If the staff member has no choice about reporting what the student has told them, he or she will explain to the student exactly what will happen next. 

The most important thing is that the student feels safe and free from harm. Students must tell someone if they are being harmed or afraid that they will be harmed. 

Pacific has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that students, staff, and members of the College community are not subjected to behaviours, practices or processes that may constitute harassment, discrimination, vilification, or victimisation and is therefore committed to developing an environment which promotes respect for a person’s integrity, equitable treatment, and natural justice. 

Taking and publishing photos, and recordings of school-based activities 

Recording of school-based activities should only be for personal use and should not be published in a public manner without the permission of the College. This would include social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram,or YouTube. Publishing images without permission of those in the image contravenes the College’s privacy policy. Copyright permissions are also infringed upon if music from public performances is broadcasted or duplicated. 

Mrs Kim Bonello, Director of Staff

From the Director of Students

What Is In And What Is Out Of My Control?

This week’s bible passage, Matthew 6:34 provides certainty for us all in a world which at times, can seems so uncertain.  When working with students who are feeling emotions of uncertainty or worry, I will often draw for them two circles within each other.  Within the outer circle I will ask students to tell me what is out of their control?  Students will often suggest things such as ‘what other students may say or do’; ‘what has happened in the student’s past’; ‘what may or may not happen in their future’. I then ask the student to focus on the inner circle: what is in their control?  Examples such as ‘how they respond with their emotions and feelings’; ’how they respond with their thoughts, words, and actions’; ’their ability to reflect on their past and make decisions on how to influence and set goals towards achieving outcomes in their future’.

Growing students’ capacity of self-awareness is a personal and social capability and a priority focus for all students at Pacific and is threaded into the Prep - Year 5 You can Do It! Program and Year 6 – 12 Personal Development Programs, as well as a skill taught intentionally in Pastoral Care. 

As students ‘finally’ settle into the rhythm of Term 1, students are encouraged to focus on what is in their circle of control, which is at present, primarily focused on their learning and prioritising their organization of assessment tasks, and study preparation for examinations.  Students who require additional support in meeting deadlines and submitting quality drafts are encouraged to seek teacher feedback and work with their teacher during break times or during an Academic Afternoon Tutorial set by their teacher and Head of Department for a particular subject area.  In addition, students have access to before and after school Math tutorials to support their learning and understanding of concepts, and Heads of House are the first point of contact for students requiring additional support in organising and planning their assessment calendars.

Ms Leigh Finter, Acting Director of Students

From the Head of Learning Middle College

Pacific Plus

Many of our high ability learners received invitations to participate in Pacific Plus last week. We are excited to be introducing this program to Years 7 and 8, in 2022. Pacific Plus is a program designed to extend high ability learners and meet their unique learning needs.

PERMA and Lutheran Theology help shape the program approach to extending high ability learners. Building self-awareness and serving others are key goals. Authentic problem solving establishes an environment for developing agency, identity and relationships - along with an awareness of optimism about the future.  Inquiry projects are developed with an acknowledgement that individuals can inspire hope through embracing challenge.

Students are selected for Pacific Plus based on their performance in standardised tests of verbal and non-verbal reasoning ability as well as academic performance. If the aims of Pacific Plus sound exciting and you would like to be involved in something similar – please contact Mrs Sydes (Year 6-8) or Mrs Belchamber (Years 9-12) about Future Problem Solving as soon as possible.

Mrs Jo Belchamber, Head of Learning Middle College

From the Head of Learning K-5

A Positive View of the Future

For many years, the start of the school year has been mainly routine. There is the preparation of spaces, buying of uniforms and the impending excitement of another year of possibilities. This year has been anything but routine. A delayed start, managing illness and isolation and more recently, a major weather event. Our theme for the next two weeks could appear to be a challenging one. How do we maintain a positive view of the future with so much uncertainty around? 

Part of our holistic formation of children involves the intentional use of mindfulness. By being present in the now, we allow ourselves to refocus on the priorities and blessings of the day. Being able to let go of the past and not allowing ourselves to get too far into the future, allows us to be present in the gifts we possess today. As stated in Matthew 6:34 “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” 


Restorative Approaches

A crucial part of the Pastoral Care process at Pacific is the attention and faith given to supporting students through restorative frameworks. The purpose of restorative practices is to restore or build relationships and support young people to understand and take responsibility for the impact of their actions. Restorative circles can take a variety of forms and serve many purposes.

The implementation of Circle Time is an important part of our framework. Circle Time is a practical way to skill young people to listen with understanding, tune into feelings and begin to see the world from others’ viewpoint. These Circle Times are intentionally timetabled into classes to build and maintain relationships and encourage a sense of belonging. The ‘grab and go’ Circle Time kit covers such topics as dealing with arguments, what we need when we are hurt and blaming versus fixing. The skills built within this environment aim to build our students' capacity to navigate the sometimes-confusing world of interpersonal relationships.

At times, relationships and actions of others can impact the wellbeing of others. At Pacific, we use these events as learning experiences and give voice to all sides to encourage a holistic view of what has transpired.

As a College we encourage our students to be vocal about such incidents whilst at school. Circle Times and restorative conferencing provide an avenue for children to articulate any potential issues that may have occurred. Our hope as a College is that we are encouraging agency within our students to speak up in a safe and supportive environment and undertake the due process to restore the relationships that may have suffered harm. These restorative processes can be the beginning of a journey to repair harm, and at times, require continuous monitoring. Communication is vital, and I encourage you to keep in close contact with your child’s classroom teacher should you need to give further information or need clarification on wellbeing matters.


National Ride2School Day 

National Ride2School Day is an initiative of the Bicycle Network and is Australia's largest celebration of active travel to school.  

Ride2School Day encourages students to get physically active and ride, scoot or skate to school. 

This year’s National Ride2School day is scheduled for Friday 25 March 2022. 

The council promotes this event to all schools in the Sunshine Coast Council region and provides prize incentives to encourage student participation. 

Don't miss out. If you live far from your school, ride at least part of the way. 

To register click here before 5pm on Friday 25 March to enter the draw for your chance to win. Prizes include 4 x $500 bike shop vouchers. 

Conditions apply. Prize winners must be school-age children attending a school in the Sunshine Coast Council area, be registered for council's prize draw and travel to school by riding, scooting, skating or walking on Friday 25 March 2022 

Take care and God bless.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5

From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Learning Enrichment

This week our LEC students are absorbed in learning and as teachers and LEC Aides it is a privilege to be a part of their learning journey.

How can we help our children thrive and learn?

There are somethings that as parents we can do to support our children towards adulthood. Every day is an opportunity to start again, try again and keep learning ourselves.  The Bible gives us assurance that God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness is ours each day. As a mum, I am so thankful that God gives us a new day to try again!

Here are some practical tips, from Raising Children, for helping both primary and secondary children learn effectively:

  • Encourage your child to try new things, to make mistakes and to learn about who they are through new experiences. Keep praising your child for trying new things.
  • Show an interest in your child’s activities.
  • Watch the news together and talk about what’s happening in the world.
  • If your child has homework, encourage them to do it at about the same time each day and in a particular area, away from distractions like the TV or a mobile phone.
  • Make sure your child has time to relax and play. Help your child develop or maintain a good sleep pattern.

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment P-12

From the Head of Career Development

Interested In Going To University In The USA? (Year 9, 10 and 11)

If you are a talented sportsperson, you may be able to secure a scholarship to study at a university in the United States of America and compete in the intercollegiate sports competitions there. To find out more about how this works, register to attend an information session. Get more information or register here.

Overseas Gap Year options (Year 12)

There are several companies who run Gap Year programs for Australian students in countries like the UK, New Zealand, Thailand and Canada. These programs are based on the student being matched up with a paid job for 12 months (often either working in a boarding school, or at school camp facilities) in the destination country. The “gappie” is supported upon arrival with an orientation program and is also offered support if they encounter any problems during their gap year. Gappies have time to travel as well as working, during their year away. Applications for these programs close quite early in the year: Most applications for 2023 gap year programs close in March or April. If you would like more information on these programs, make an appointment to see Mrs Wanda Hayes soon!

Studying at Australian National University (Year 12)

Two of last year’s Year 12 students are now studying at Australian National University in Canberra. ANU is a very high-quality university, with an excellent international reputation, and a huge range of course options. And Canberra is quite close to the Australian snow fields… Applications for ANU are open now, and if you apply before 23 May, you may be eligible to receive an early offer, before you finish school this year. If you think this could be for you, make an appointment to see Mrs Wanda Hayes soon!

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of career Development

Food for Thought

Managing Overwhelm

Due to the pandemic, recent world events in the Ukraine and the impacts of the floods in Queensland and NSW, the world we now live in is a very different place. The hyperconnected nature of our current environment means that we are constantly being reminded of the challenges we face via numerous media and social media channels. Our connectivity to the digital world exposes us to a barrage of messages that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. As a result, many children and their parents are reporting higher levels of stress and anxiety.

Unfortunately, our brains have not evolved fast enough to adapt to this digital landscape. The combination of constant access to information and having little control over the situations presented, can be stressful and overwhelming. It is therefore important for adult carers to check in with their children and be aware of what information they may have been exposed to. It may not necessarily be the information itself that is harmful, but more their inability to process and make sense of it. Providing children with the skills and strategies to cope will enable them to flourish and thrive, socially, emotionally and academically.

The blueprint for parenting, based on our own experiences, is no longer fit for purpose in raising kids as citizens of tomorrow. This can be inherently stressful and overwhelming, not only for parents and carers, but children alike. If left untreated or unmanaged, constant stress and anxiety can lead to several behavioral issues or health consequences.

This Special Report suggests a number of strategies to help manage any feelings of overwhelm that you or your child may be experiencing. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.

Click on the link below for more information

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor


Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

College News


Uniform Shop - Change of Hours

Until Monday 7th March, the Uniform Shop will be open from Wednesday to Friday 8am to 11am, by appointment only.  Appointments can be made via the Main Reception 5436 7300. 

We are awaiting confirmation of school operations from the government  but expect that from Monday 7th March 2022, the Uniform Shop opening hours will be as follows:

Mon:    8.00am – 10.30am

Tues:   8.00am – 10.30am and 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Wed:   8.00am – 10.30am

Thurs:  8.00am – 10.30am

Fri:      Closed

Flexischool uniform orders are available for your convenience.  These orders will be completed Wednesday to Friday and delivered to the students’ classroom for P-6 students and to the PCG pigeonholes in the Well Being Centre for 7-12 students.

Please be patient as we are experiencing delays on stock across all areas.  If an item is out of stock on Flexischools it is also out of stock in the Uniform Shop. Stock will be refilled as quickly as possible.  My apologies that I cannot provide exact stock arrival times.  Thank you for understanding.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop

Tuck Shop

Due to a significant increase in the volume of orders each day, it is no longer possible for the Tuckshop Staff to take phone orders after 8.45am.

If you miss the 8.45am cut-off, your child will receive the Emergency Lunch which comprises of either a Muffin or Fruit Salad for Morning Tea and a Toasted Sandwich for Lunch.

I appreciate that this does not suit every child however, due to the number of phone calls we unfortunately have no choice but to enforce this procedure.

For your ease and convenience, orders can be placed in advance on Flexischools, and these orders can be recurring.  

It would be appreciated if you could assist the Tuckshop Staff by placing your orders well in advance and therefore not missing cut off times.

Thank you for your assistance.

Mrs Shea Moor, Tuckshop Coordinator

Sport News

Year 7-12 Sport

Competitive Sport Results

SCISSA Volleyball

Well done to all our Junior and Intermediate Volleyball teams for their performances in their first SCISSA fixture in somewhat of a delayed season. It is great to see so many students enjoying their volleyball and some great results to start the season.

Competitive Sport News

Term 2 Competitive Sport Sign Ups

Over the next week, students will have the opportunity to sign up for more Term 2 competitive sports. Some Term 2 sports (Yr 11-12 Volleyball, Yr 7-10 Soccer and Yr 7-12 Rugby) have already had their sign on, however any students wishing to participate in these sports should email Mr West-McInnes to register their interest. Please note that MNN Netball will also be ongoing next term.

New sport options that will go on NAV to be signed up for will be Yr 7-12 Basketball, Yr 7-12 Vicki Wilson Netball and Yr 7-10 Mountain Biking. Please note that while the sign up for Yr 7-12 Basketball will be this term, the competition does not begin until Term 3. The early sign up is to assist with planning for teams, coaches and training.

As per this term, students who aren’t involved in a competition sport next term will need to select a sport from the Friday Sport Survey. Students will be advised when the sign on surveys are open by their PCG teachers and through the notices.

Student accomplishments

Well done to Alexander Lee who has been selected in the 16-19 Yrs Sunshine Coast Cricket Team to compete in the State Championships in Rockhampton from the 6th- 8th of March.

Junior Sport

District Sport Selections

Congratulations to a number of our PLC Netball players who have recently been selected for the Independent District Netball team which will play in the Sunshine Coast Regional Trials.

Under 11 Girls – Honor Williams and Tahli Sanderson.

Under 12 Girls – Jessica Cronin, Billie McKinnon, Bailee Kiernan and Nicole Hodgett.

Well done girls, and good luck at the upcoming trials.

4-6 SCISSA Training – Monday Afternoon

SCISSA afterschool training recommences next Monday afternoon from 3:15 – 4:15pm.

If your child is unable to attend training, could you please send a short email to

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport 

Club Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Lutheran College has several sport development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game.

The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

PLC Netball Club

Registrations for the 2022 season are open for girls aged 7 to 18 and you don’t have to be a Pacific student to join. We have teams for beginners right through to Division 1. You can register now through the Netball Connect app or by emailing any queries through to

Registrations close towards the end of February, with a welcome barbeque, dress hire and team trials for our older teams taking place on Saturday 19th February.

Training is held on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons on the back courts at Pacific Lutheran College. 

Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for more details throughout the season.

Contact: Donna Townsend, PLC Netball Club President
Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club

Pacific FC

2022 Season will now be starting on 12th March 2022.

SCCSA has advised all Grading Games (U11-U15/16) and Carnivals (U6-U10) due to be played this weekend (5th March) have been POSTPONED due to ground conditions at many of the clubs. Storms are also forecast for Saturday.

Grading games will be put back one week, so three grading games will still be held.

The Rooball Carnivals will be played later in the season.

Spots available – Year 9 and 10 players

We have four spots available in our U15/16 team for Saturday soccer this season.

  • Male and Female players born in 2007/2006/2005 are invited to join the U15/16 Eels team.

Email for information and/or register via

Contact: The Registrar
Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark's

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


 9         Year 12 University Showcase

12       Music Scholarship Test

15       Prep Vision Screening

18       Pacific as a Peace Place Day

19       Academic Scholarship Test