A psychologist says these 7 skills separate successful kids from ‘the ones who struggle’—and how parents can teach them

A psychologist says these 7 skills separate successful kids from ‘the ones who struggle’—and how parents can teach them

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Thrivers are made, not born. Children need safe, loving, and structured childhoods, but they also need autonomy, competence, and agency to flourish.

After combing through piles of research on traits most highly correlated to optimising kids’ thriving abilities, seven skills kids need to boost mental toughnessresilience, social competence, self-awareness, and moral strength were identified — and they are what separates successful kids who shine from those who struggle. 

Click on the link below for more information.

These 7 skills separate successful kids from 'those who struggle': Psychologist and parenting expert (cnbc.com)

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
