SchoolTV Special Report: Coronavirus – The Transition Back

SchoolTV Special Report: Coronavirus – The Transition Back

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As lockdown restrictions are beginning to ease, we enter a time of transition and adjustment. The circumstances of this situation have significantly impacted us all. Many young people may be excited at the prospect of restrictions being lifted; others may have mixed emotions. Reactions will differ depending on how well they cope with stress and change. Keeping a check on your child’s mental health and wellbeing as they adjust to new routines will be vitally important.

There is still a lot of uncertainty ahead of us, so focusing on the things you can control or enjoy doing or even value, can help establish predictability and familiarity for the whole family. Parents should provide young people with reassurance by acknowledging any concerns and fears they may have at this time.

In this Special Report, SchoolTV provides some ideas to cope with the transition and adjustment. The report is available at:

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
