Snap Map

Snap Map

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Snap Map has attracted a lot of media attention as the location-based aspect means that a user can choose to share their location with others. Because there are so many young people using the app this potential sharing is a cause for concern for parents and carers in particular. Given that Snapchat’s largest demographic is 18- to 24-year-olds and the minimum age for creating an account is 13, Snap Map could potentially put younger users in a situation where their location is unwittingly shared with “friends” they don’t know in person or putting them at risk of stalking or bullying. Consequently, Snap Map has been criticised by many as dangerous.

Many young people know about the dangers of sharing personal information but think that it does not apply to them. Young people do need to be more aware of some of the risks and challenges when they go online. However, used in the right way this app can be so useful. Indeed, some parents have commented that they are able to feel confident using the Snap Map application so that they know where their children are at all times.

Please click here for more details:

Mrs Annie Williams, School Counsellor
