One of the great gifts of working in education is that you get to interact with people each day and witness joy, laughter, and growth. Schools are places of constant learning and celebration. Education is energising and life giving. Every day I...
Through participation in the ANZAC Day March and College services and activities, our community has joined with the Australian community to remember the sacrifices of our Defence Personnel and their families. As we engaged in the remembrances, we...
We commend our students and staff on the way they have shown their respect through high levels of participation in the Caloundra RSL March, other activities across the Sunshine Coast yesterday and through our Anzac Day services at the College on...
When we live with a deep sense of hope, there is a strong sense of possibility. We are better placed to respond well to the rhythms of life. We can be grateful for those things and times that go well and respond more positively to challenges. When...
Welcome to the start of Term 2 and particularly to new students and staff. It is always exciting to reconnect with people as we come together as community. With God at our centre, we have the privilege of growing together in a hope filled way as we...
I suspect that many of us have woken each morning over this past week and hoped that the day would bring some small moments of sunlight. We are typically blessed to live in a place that is regularly bathed in bright sunlight that brings the full...
It was a delight to be part of the service at St Mark’s Lutheran Church last Sunday as our Year 9 and 12 House Wira Captains presented a cross that the Middle and Senior College Wira students had created, designed and painted. The bright light...
Taking time to breathe and be fully present in the moment can help us to recentre and refocus. By being still, our mind slows down and we can then re-engage with more thoughtful purpose and perspective. Taking time to be still in the busy rhythm of...
We celebrate the team of Middle College teachers who have embarked on an exciting partnership with the researchers of the University of Queensland’s Learning Lab. The Learning Lab brings together researchers from education, psychology and...
One of the keys to living well is to be immersed in cultures of trust in our families, friendships, places of learning, workplaces and churches. One of the protocols that is often sighted in the promotion of building effective teams, groups and...