From the Principal

Principal’s Log

In the rush of life, we can find ourselves being caught up in the pressure to have more, being seen to be more and focusing on only valuing success and what we gain. In doing so we can lose sight of the growth and joy that comes through contributing...
From the Principal

Reconciliation In The Cross

This week we recognised National Reconciliation Week. The artwork created by Kabi Kabi artist Maggie Douglas, contains a chevron which is a universal symbol for moving forward. With the theme of ‘Now More Than Ever’, the artwork of Maggie Douglas...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

As we engage in National Reconciliation Week, we are encouraged to deepen our understanding of the way in which actions and decisions in the past have impacted and continue to impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to play our...
From the Principal

Celebrating and Thanking Our Volunteers

So many people give generously of their time in our community to significantly add to the quality of experience for our students, their families and our staff. Parents and carers through engagement with Pacific FC, Club PLC Netball and Friends of...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

We were privileged to be able to witness the Middle and Senior College production of Sense and Sensibility last weekend. Clever direction and casting enabled the tremendous talent of students to shine through. The storyline was carried brilliantly,...
From the Principal

Uplifted as We Lift

As we lift others through acts of kindness or service we are uplifted as individuals and as community. Helping others has been shown to boost a sense of belonging and purpose which are developed through making a difference. As we help others we can...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

We have continued to explore the mindset that learning occurs at the point of challenge on our 6-12 Assemblies. As we embrace the mindset that learning occurs at the point of challenge there is a shift from getting it “done” to opening the door to...
From the Principal

Celebrating Our Mums

Our mothers play a special role in our lives as they provide love and care to us during the different phases of life. In our school age years, mums and women as carers are constantly present often shifting seamlessly from the role of listener,...
From the Principal

Principal’s Log

Throughout this term we are focusing across P-12 on the mindset that “learning occurs at the point of challenge” and are using different versions of the Learning Pit of James Nottingham as a visual reminder to embrace and grow through the challenge...
From the Principal


To be human is to be of the earth. Part of the derivation of the word human comes from the Latin word humus, which means earth. Having this sense of all of humanity being of the earth, including ourselves builds a rich sense of connection and...
From the Principal